Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities : - democratic, economic, and financial governance ;- peace, stability, and security ;- climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;- health and human development ;In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. SCOPE OF THE ASSIGNMENTMAIN OBJECTIVES The overall programme of the CAP is mainly focused on supporting the MoE in the actual implementation of the Teacher Policy (TP)[1], both at policy, institutional, and operational level through the implementation of the new TP orientations regarding pre-service teacher training. The general objective of this assignment which is to support the elaboration of an internship programme for pre-service training is fully aligned with the main strategic objectives of the Education and Sports Sector Strategic Plan (2020 / 21 - 2024 / 25) : Ensure equitable access to quality and relevant education and training.Guarantee the delivery of quality and relevant education and training.Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education and sports services at all levels.It also directly contributes to one of the measures listed in the 2019 Teacher Policy, which is the new requirement for teacher candidates to obtain a bachelor’s degree in education (3 years) and complete a one-year full-time internship and mentorship (implementation guidelines of the NTP).The purpose of this assignment is to support the design and implementation of the 12-months practical teacher internship programme, targeting teacher students at the end of their 3-year initial training (bachelor’s degree). The specific objectives of the assignment are : Provide an analysis of the technical and financial implications of the scaling up of teacher internship programme so that MoES and Uganda’s government has contextualized informationProvide a clearer vision of the options for a gradual implementation at scale of the teacher internship programmeProvide a roadmap describing the steps and modalities for the implementation of the teacher internship programmeMETHODOLOGY & GENERAL APPROACHThe indicative methodology is as follows but not limited to - the consultant is expected to propose a more in-depth methodology in its application : In implementing this consultancy, the selected consultant will be able to carry out : a rapid desk review of the main policy documents of the Ugandan education system (sector strategy, teacher policy, etc.). a scoping meeting will be held with the country partner, Ugandan MoE and the Facility, which will be the subject of a short note outlining the work to be carried out, including the methodology and an updated timetable taken into account workshops and the distribution between remote work and in-country missionskey informant interviews (in-depth discussions with people who have relevant knowledge or experience of initial teacher training and internship programmes) Focus Group Discussion - consultation of all the structures involved (TETD in coordination with UNITE and Teachers Training Institutions)The above preliminary actions will enable the collection of the essential information needed to develop : a feasibility study, including validation of the findings and main recommendations with the MoES during a 2-days workshopa roadmap to implement the internship programme which includes its validation and endorsement by the MoES during a 2-days workshop a policy brief to highlight the conclusions of the analysis and comparison of various internship programmes in comparable countries to be validated and disseminated by the Knowledge Management Unit of the Facilitya final report to take stock of the assignment, highlight the successes, good practices and potential difficulties encountered. A participatory approach will be necessary to ensure that (1) the products developed correspond to the real needs of the partner - relevance (2) the perspectives of all stakeholders are taken into account - consistency (3) the administrations concerned take ownership of the project, which will enhance the sustainability and effectiveness of the technical assistance.STAKEHOLDERSDuring the assignment a close collaboration is expected with the Ministry of Education and Sport and especially the Department of Teacher Education and Training Development which submitted the request. In the purpose of a participatory approach, various actors should be met and involved at different stages of the study. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the relevant stakeholders : Stakeholders to be involved in information gathering : Basic Education Department (BED)Direction of Human Resources in the MoESCommunication and Information Management Unit (CIM)TVET Trainers Training Research and Innovation (TTTRI)Preschool DepartmentTeacher Training Centers / UniversityNational Teacher CouncilAny institution from another country in the sub-region that has institutionalized the integration of an internship programme in initial teacher training. Stakeholders to be involved in the elaboration of deliverables : Uganda National Institute for Teacher Education (UNITE) Teacher Training Institutions (TTI)Teacher Education and Training Development (TETD)Ministry of Finance Stakeholders who will benefit (directly or indirectly) from Technical Assistance : Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES)Teacher candidates (from Early Childhood Education programmes to secondary Education Level), Trainer educators The consultant will also have to meet, at a minimum the GLPE coordination agency.MAIN DELIVERABLESThe specific deliverables under this consultancy are the following : 1.Deliverable #1 : inception report - a detailed methodology note including an outline of the work to be carried out (no longer than 4 pages) 2.Deliverable #2 : feasibility study report that includes at least the following components : an analysis of the existing (shorter) practical experiences in the current training programmes in the country, and lessons learnt including on gender issuesan analysis of similar programmes in comparable countries (in Eastern Africa preferably) and / or in other sectors (such as the health sector), an analysis of the mandates and capacity of the national organizations that should lead the provision of the internship programme, and a proposed institutional scheme for its implementation, an analysis of the general design options regarding the internships’ objectives, the human and financial resources needed (cost analysis), the institutional organization and implementing modalities,a first identification of the criteria for schools to be eligible as “school of practice” 3.Deliverable #3 : a roadmap for the design and early implementation of the internship programme including gender considerations4.Deliverable #4 : a policy brief to document the good practices identified including gender considerations, based on the review of similar programme in practice training of student teachers implementing in other countries in the region and beyond (no longer than 3-4 pages).5.Deliverable #5 : a final report Each deliverable will be validated by the MoE and the Facility.The PowerPoint presentation and slides developed to facilitate workshops must be sent with deliverables. TERMS OF IMPLEMENTATION ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DAYS & GENERAL TIMELINE The service may include time spent working remotely on the design and formalization of certain deliverables as well as in-country mission days (up to 20 days). The proposed calendar for the assignment is as follows : DeliverableEstimated # of daysPlanned Completion dateInternational ExpertNational Expert#1 : Inception report1131 January 2025#2 : Feasibility study report 151523 February 2025 #3 : Roadmap for the design and early implementation of the programme212124 March 2025 #4 : Policy brief2226 March 2025 #5 : Final report1127 March 2025 Consultancy should not exceed 40 working days for each expert (international and national), i.e. 80 days for the 2 experts. ROLES AND RESPONSABILITIESThe Ministry of Education and Sport – under the leadership of the Teacher Education Training and Development department.The Ministry will be responsible for : Providing the documentation Facilitating the meeting with the relevant stakeholdersOrganizing the workshop and providing workspaceComment on and approve deliverablesThe Facility of the RTIAThe Facility will be responsible for : Contracting and facilitating the onboarding of the consultant by providing all documents and resources availableMonitoring the Consultant's work from start to finishAct as the main resource person for the ConsultantEnsure quality control of deliverables in collaboration with the Ministry's focal point for this consultationShare deliverables with key stakeholders and contribute to internal and external Knowledge ManagementCollect feedback and comments from stakeholders Acknowledge the validation of the deliverables by all partsEvaluate the overall performance of the Consultant for this mandate.The ConsultantThe Consultant shall have full responsibility for : Review and comment on these Terms of Reference (ToR)Ensure that all deliverables comply with the guidelines formulated at the mission scoping meeting, in accordance with the agreed timetableNotify the Regional Teachers' Facility immediately of any difficulties in implementing the assignmentThe consultant must ensure that the stakeholders are consulted throughout the assignmentBehave with the highest levels of personal integrity and commitment to the required standards of conduct [1] Ref. Facility results framework - Output 1.2.1 : strengthened capacity of MoE to desin and implement teacher policies, profesionnal norms and standards PRESENTATION OF THE FACILITYThe Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa (RTIA), a programme funded by the EU / EC via the Education section (G3) of DG INTPA aims to improve learning outcomes and the socio-emotional development of children in Africa, by having a more competent, motivated and inclusive teacher workforce in basic education. The RTIA will especially seek to achieve the following outcomes over the next 6 years : 1. Improve the governance, management, attractiveness, and gender balance of the teaching profession, with a strong focus on increased digitalisation and innovation.2. Enhance the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of initial and continuous teacher professional development, notably through digital education, peer-to-peer learning approaches and regional collaboration.Within RTIA, the Facility will support teacher policy and improve teacher education and professional development systems by i) providing capacity building at country level through technical assistance, ii) promoting innovation and scaling of effective teaching solutions; iii) increasing the production and use of data and evidence, and iv) promoting the use of regional frameworks, evidence-based practices, and joint learning at regional level.The Facility will reach the above-mentioned objectives through 3 types of instruments or “windows” : i) a first window to deliver technical assistance on teacher governance and teacher education and professional development based on the demand from eligible partner countries, ii) a second window on testing and scaling effective programs for teacher education and professional development in the thematic areas of digital skills, gender, green skills, and pedagogical skills, including in the context of refugees and displaced population, iii) a research window (third) to create new evidence and support the integration of evidence in the policy making process and in the design of teacher education and professional development programs.In addition to these windows the Facility’s knowledge management and communication activities will further contribute to the sharing of knowledge, evidence, and best practices related to the overall Initiative outcomes. The Facility is funded by the European Union and co-implemented by the Partnership formed by three-member state agencies : Expertise France for France, Enabel, VVOB and APEFE for Belgium, EDUFI for Finland. Expertise France has been designated the Coordinating Agency for this Partnership. With the Facility governance scheme serving as the Initiative's governance scheme, it is expected that the Partnership will work closely with UNESCO and AUC, in charge of the other 2 components of the EU Initiative.The first phase of the Facility (as well as the Initiative) is scheduled from February 2024 to January 2027 (36 months) with a total budget of 46.000.000 EUR.Call for expert falls within the scope of window 1 on delivering Technical Assistance (TA) to support countries on specific thematic areas related to teacher policy and governance, as well as teacher education and professional development.CONTEXTEDUCATION SECTOR IN UGANDA The Education and Sports Sector Plan (ESSP) 2020 / 21 - 2024 / 25 is fully aligned with the NDP III Strategic Direction, and is informed by the Ugandan Vision 2040, the SDG Agenda 2030, the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA), the NRM Manifesto (2016-2021), and the Government White Paper on Education (1992). The ESSP is also designed to contribute to achieving Uganda’s international commitments enshrined in the UN-SDGs, specifically, SDG4 and in the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 2016-2025. The Vision 2040 aims to reach a national literacy rate of 95% by 2040 compared with the baseline of 73% in 2010. The ESSP takes up the same finding as the analysis of the education and sport sector (2019). It highlights the weaknesses in teacher development and management is considered to be the main cause of unsatisfactory pupil / student performance and system inefficiencies in all sub-sectors of the education system. The main challenges are in teacher training, recruitment, deployment, motivation and capacity. Teacher deployment tends not to be aligned with the actual needs of schools, resulting in strong disparities among regions, and between rural and urban areas. Weak school leadership and supervision, combined with poor working conditions, contribute to weak motivation and teacher absenteeism. Lastly, the low capacity of teachers is attributed to weaknesses in both the pre-service and in-service teacher training.As outlined in the National Teacher Policy, approved in 2018, it is a priority to professionalize the teaching profession to level comparable to other professions like medical, engineering, legal, and accounting among others. This policy provides a comprehensive framework for the development and management of the teaching profession to improve teaching and learning in the entire education system. The Policy intends to a) streamline teacher management for better productivity, discipline, retention, and motivation, (b) strengthen pre-service and in-service teacher training to enhance competences to effectively deliver quality learning outcomes and leadership at all levels of the education cycle, (c) standardize teacher development, qualifications, and practice across all levels of education, and (d) streamline the integration of cross cutting issues into all aspects of teacher training, management, and practice at all levels.Complementarity with existing policies and processes is one of the core principles of the Facility, so all partners were consulted to avoid overlapping and identify synergies. The proposed programme is built in complementarity with other partners’ support on in-service training and digital literacy training for teachers. Other programs are being implemented by several international partners with a focus on teachers training and digital skills. ENABEL, VVOB, UNICEF, UNESCO and the World Bank / GPE are supporting the MoEs in improving teacher competencies through continuous professional development programmes (CPD) and a competence-based approach. ENABEL has a long-term involvement in the education sector in Uganda, particularly in teacher training and digital skills development (digital hub in one training center, CPD framework, digital skills training…). ENABEL also implements an EU-funded program that supports in-service teacher training and good practices’ sharing. CAP CONTEXT – ARTICULATION WITH PREVIOUS WORKS Upon request of the Ugandan Ministry of Education (MoE), the Facility of the RTIA is looking for a team of expert (international and national) to support the professionalization of teacher. Received in May 2024, the country request was the starting point of technical discussions that resulted in the definition of an agreed programme of technical assistance called Country Action Plan (CAP) to be delivered to Uganda by the Facility. The CAP was co-developed between the Facility International Team and the national partner (MoE), in consultation with other national and international partners developed on the foundations of the national education sector plan (ESP) and teacher policy. The CAP covers 3 technical areas of expertise, including pre-service training and training programme development. The related work package begins with a feasibility study aiming at providing inputs to the subsequent design phase of the 12-months internship programme which is a new requirement for teacher candidates as stipulated in the National Teacher Policy.During the preparation of this CAP, other lines of actions have been considered in the discussions with the MoE, and in particular actions related to in-service training and ICT skills for teachers and teacher educators. These actions have not been selected because they are already supported by other international partners such as Enabel and UNESCO. EXPERTS’ PROFILES The study will be carried out by a pair of experts. Ideally, a team composed of a national and an international expert who both meet the criteria would be the best arrangement. However, the national expert may still submit a proposal if he cannot propose a team made up of an international expert and a national expert. [Please refer to the call for individual international experts being launched in parallel to see the detailed profile.] The national Consultant must have the following Academic qualifications, Work experiences and Technical Knowledge and Skills.Academic qualification